18. Fecamp to Le Havre



49° 45’ 43”, 000° 22’ 00”E    -    49° 29’ 20”N, 000° 05’ 37”E

The boat was filled up with diesel and left harbour at 12:00. She motored for two hours into a south-westerly wind on a quiet sea but then the sails were set when the course turned more southerly. Weeki Wachee arrived at Le Havre at 18:00.

After dinner the crew walked along the promenade amongst crowds gathering for a firework display to celebrate 14 July. The crew returned to the boat and enjoyed a good view when the the display started at 23:00. Norbert made a movie of the show.

14 July


© 2017 Derek Boulter All rights reserved

Made on a Mac

Please wait for Norbert’s movie to download. If necessary, click to run it.