
Made on a Mac

© 2017 Derek Boulter All rights reserved

As arranged, Joe’s family-friends Angela and Theo arrived by ferry from Greetziel at 10:30 and came on board for coffee. Everybody then went into Borkum on the bus, toured the town and had lunch on the promenade and Kaffee und Kuchen later. The guests took the train to catch the ferry at 16:15. The crew shopped and then took the train to the harbour at 17:10 and later had a snack in the harbour restaurant.

21 August

A second, rather rainy day in harbour was dictated by wind force 5 with gusts to force 7. Taking the bus into Borkum, Derek visited the Kultur Centrum for a quiet read and snooze and then toured the town again while Bob joined a seal watching expedition group.  After returning to the harbour on the train the crew had dinner in the restaurant. Derek went early to bed.

22 August