
Made on a Mac

18-21 June


© 2017 Derek Boulter All rights reserved

The weather forecast had been correct. High winds made it necessary to  remain on Helgoland for four days and provided an unforeseen opportunity to get to know the island really well.

18 June

Toured the island on foot. Had Kaffee und Kuchen in town.

19 June

Took a guided tour round the island on an electric train. Visited the museum. The wind rose to force 6, gusting to 8.

20 June

The wind was still force 6 to 7. Cleaned the boat. Polished all the furniture. Went for a long walk over the island. Did shopping. Took a guided tour of the air-raid tunnels. Strong winds were still forecast for tomorrow.

21 June

Bought a stock of tax-free beer. Crossed to Dune island on the ferry and explored. Had Kaffee und Kuchen. Visited the airport. Sailed round to the North-East harbour to tank diesel. Took on fresh water in the South harbour. Noticed that two fenders had been lost and bought two new ones.

Helgoland          Wikipedia